Medium Rabbit Breeds
There are many rabbit breeds that fall into the medium category!
Here, we are considering medium breeds to be rabbits that have maximum show weights from 5.6 to 9.5 pounds.

belgian hare
- Weight: 6-9.5lbs.
- Limited Colors

blue holicer
- Weight: 5.5-7.25lbs.
- Limited Colors

czech frosty
- Weight: 6.25-8.25lbs.
- Limited Colors

english angora
- Weight: 5-7.5lbs.
- Large Variety of Colors

english spot
- Weight: 5-8lbs.
- Limited Colors

florida white
- Weight: 4-6lbs.
- Limited Colors

- Weight: 6.5-9.5lbs.
- Limited Colors

- Weight: 4.5-6.5lbs.
- Limited Colors

- Weight: 5.5-8lbs.
- Limited Colors

mini lop
“The Monarch Breed”
- Weight: 4.5-6.5lbs.
- Large Variety of Colors

satin angora
- Weight: 6.5-9.5lbs.
- Large Variety of Colors

- Weight: 4-7lbs.
- Limited Colors

silver marten
- Weight: 6-9.5lbs.
- Limited Colors

standard chinchilla
“The Granddaddy of all Chins”
- Weight: 5-7lbs.
- Limited Colors

“The Fire of the Fancy”
- Weight: 4-6lbs.
- Limited Colors

Loppy Lane Ranch

Bunny Bungalow Ranch
See a Picture Missing?
Here at Hutch Happiness we want to showcase YOUR rabbits! If you have a photo of a rabbit you would like to share, reach out to me at Emily@hutchhappiness.com. Along with your rabbit photo we are happy to provide a link to your rabbitry website if available.