Litter Size: African Pygmy Hedgehog

New to raising hedgehogs? Wondering how many hoglets you should be expecting?

In this post, we’ll delve into the realm of hedgehog parenthood, exploring the typical litter sizes of African Pygmy Hedgehogs and shedding light on the care required for these tiny bundles of joy!

Understanding Hedgehog Reproduction

Before diving into litter sizes, it’s essential to grasp the basics of hedgehog reproduction.

African Pygmy Hedgehogs, like many mammals, have a gestation period during which the female carries and nurtures her developing young. Once impregnated, the female hedgehog undergoes a gestation period of approximately 35 to 40 days before giving birth to her litter.

Typical Litter Sizes

African Pygmy Hedgehogs are known for their relatively small litter sizes compared to other small mammals. On average, a female hedgehog will give birth to a litter ranging from one to six hoglets, with the most common litter size being around three to four hoglets. However, there can be exceptions to this range, with some hedgehogs producing larger or smaller litters depending on various factors such as genetics, age, and health.

hedgehog litter size

Factors Influencing Litter Size

Several factors can influence the size of a hedgehog litter:

Age: Younger females may produce smaller litters initially, with litter sizes typically increasing as they reach maturity.

Genetics: Genetic factors play a significant role in determining litter size, with some hedgehogs genetically predisposed to larger or smaller litters.

Health: The health and condition of the female hedgehog can also impact litter size, with healthier individuals generally producing larger litters.

Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as temperature and food availability can influence the reproductive success of hedgehogs, potentially affecting litter sizes.

hedgehog litter size

Care for Hedgehog Litters

Caring for a litter of African Pygmy Hedgehogs requires careful attention and dedication to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and her hoglets. Here are some essential tips:

Provide a Suitable Nesting Environment: Create a cozy nesting box lined with soft bedding materials such as fleece or shredded paper to keep the mother and hoglets warm and comfortable.

Monitor the Mother and Hoglets: Keep a close eye on the mother and her hoglets, ensuring that the mother is nursing them regularly and that the hoglets are thriving.

Maintain Optimal Temperature: African Pygmy Hedgehog hoglets are sensitive to temperature fluctuations and require a warm environment to thrive. Keep the nesting area at a consistent temperature between 75-80°F (24-27°C) to prevent chilling.

Offer Nutritious Diet: Provide the mother hedgehog with a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals to support her lactation and ensure the health of her hoglets.

Seek Veterinary Care if Necessary: If you notice any signs of illness or distress in the mother or hoglets, seek veterinary care promptly to address any potential health issues.

breeding hedgehogs


African Pygmy Hedgehogs typically have relatively small litters ranging from one to six hoglets, with the average litter size being around three to four hoglets.

Understanding the factors that influence litter size and providing appropriate care for hedgehog mothers and their hoglets are essential for ensuring the health and well-being of these delightful creatures.

By providing a warm, nurturing environment and attentive care, you can help ensure your hoglets thrive and grow into healthy, happy hedgehogs!

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