How to Handle Your Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are adorable and fascinating creatures, known for their unique appearance and quirky personalities!
However, for those new to hedgehog ownership, the prospect of handling these spiky pets can be intimidating.
In this article, we’ll provide you with practical tips and techniques for safely picking up and handling your hedgehog, ensuring a positive and stress-free experience for both you and your prickly pal!
Understanding Hedgehog Behavior
Before attempting to handle your hedgehog, it’s essential to understand their behavior and communication cues!
Hedgehogs are naturally cautious animals and may curl into a ball or exhibit defensive behaviors when feeling threatened or stressed. Additionally, they have poor eyesight but rely heavily on their sense of smell and hearing to navigate their surroundings.
By recognizing these behaviors and respecting your hedgehog’s boundaries, you can build trust and establish a positive relationship with your pet.
Preparing for Handling
Before attempting to pick up your hedgehog, take the following steps to ensure a safe and comfortable experience:
Wash Your Hands: Hedgehogs have a keen sense of smell and may be sensitive to unfamiliar scents. Wash your hands with unscented soap to remove any strong odors before handling your hedgehog.
Provide a Quiet Environment: Choose a quiet and calm area free from distractions for handling sessions. Loud noises or sudden movements may startle your hedgehog and lead to stress.
Use Protective Gear: Consider wearing gloves or using a small towel or blanket to protect your hands from your hedgehog’s quills if you’re new to handling them or your hedgehog is particularly prickly.
Picking Up Your Hedgehog
When it comes to picking up your hedgehog, it’s essential to approach them calmly and gently to avoid causing stress or injury. Follow these steps to safely lift your hedgehog:
Approach Slowly: Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that may startle your hedgehog. Speak softly and approach them slowly to let them become accustomed to your presence.
Use Two Hands: Support your hedgehog’s body with both hands to distribute their weight evenly and prevent them from feeling insecure or unbalanced. Place one hand under their chest and the other beneath their hindquarters, keeping their spine supported and their legs free to move.
Lift Gently: Lift your hedgehog slowly and smoothly, avoiding any sudden jerking movements. Allow them to curl into a ball if they feel nervous or threatened, but avoid forcing them into this position.
Be Patient: If your hedgehog seems reluctant to be picked up, give them time to adjust and feel comfortable in your presence. Offer treats or favorite toys as positive reinforcement to help build trust and association with handling.
Holding Your Hedgehog
Once you’ve successfully lifted your hedgehog, it’s essential to hold them securely and comfortably to prevent them from feeling anxious or distressed. Follow these tips for holding your hedgehog:
Support Their Body: Continue to support your hedgehog’s body with both hands, keeping their spine aligned and their limbs free to move naturally. Avoid squeezing or putting pressure on their abdomen, as this can cause discomfort or injury.
Allow Freedom of Movement: Hedgehogs are naturally curious and enjoy exploring their surroundings. Allow your hedgehog to move around and explore your hands or nearby surfaces while being held, but be mindful of potential hazards or escape routes.
Watch for Signs of Stress: Pay attention to your hedgehog’s body language and vocalizations while being held. Signs of stress or discomfort may include quill erection, huffing or clicking noises, and attempts to escape. If your hedgehog shows signs of distress, gently place them back in their enclosure and try again later.
Keep Handling Sessions Short: Hedgehogs are crepuscular animals, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk! Keep handling sessions short, especially during the daytime when your hedgehog may prefer to rest or sleep.
Handling your hedgehog can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience when approached with patience, gentleness, and respect for your pet’s needs and preferences!
By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can safely pick up and hold your hedgehog, fostering a strong bond and positive relationship with your prickly companion.
Remember to be patient, observant, and attentive to your hedgehog’s cues, and enjoy the unique companionship that these fascinating animals provide!