Can Sugar Gliders Eat Cucumber?

It’s notoriously difficult to figure out the perfect Sugar glider diet when you’re a new owner! There are some brands that offer “sugar glider food” in pellet form, but most veteran sugar glider owners recommend steering away from them and piecing together the perfect diet for your pets. A staple of your glider’s diet will be veggies, and an awesome option for your pet is cucumber.
Some sugar gliders love cucumber, and it’s pretty good for them too because of its hydrating qualities, vitamin content, and low calorie content. The drawback of cucumber is that it’s less nutrient dense than some other veggies.
Keep reading to learn more about the nutritional profile of cucumber and how to properly feed it to your gliders!
Nutritional Profile of Cucumber
With a 95% water content, cucumber is a marvelously hydrating veggie option for your sugar glider.
It is also a source of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and bone health, along with calcium and phosphorous which can help prevent metabolic bone disease.
Lastly, cucumber is a low calorie option for your sugar glider, so snacking on it has a fairly low chance of leading to obesity.
This all sounds great, but feeding lots of cucumber is not an easy fix for your sugar glider’s diet. Though it is high in water content, it is a lot lower in necessary nutritional content than some other fruits and veggies. This means that you should not rely too heavily on cucumber as a staple in your glider’s diet. If your sugar glider has a fondness for it, try to limit cucumber to every other day, mixing in plenty of other nutrient packed veggies into its diet.
How to Safely Feed Cucumber
If you are feeding organic cucumber, just wash it well, dice it up, and give it to your glider! Sugar gliders will usually pick around the skin, but unless it is covered in wax or you are concerned about pesticides, you can leave the skin on. If you suspect a wax coating on your cucumbers, you can scrape it with your fingernail to try to tell, or you can just peel it off.
Don’t worry about removing the seeds either! They are perfectly healthy for your sugar glider, and you may even find your glider picking them out to eat first!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can sugar gliders eat cucumber skin?
Yes, but it should be thoroughly washed to remove pesticides. Organic cucumbers are preferable.
How often can I feed cucumbers to my sugar glider?
Cucumbers should be fed occasionally, not more than once every other day, to avoid overhydration and nutrient imbalance.
What other vegetables are good for sugar gliders?
Carrots, cooked sweet potatoes, and leafy greens like spinach and kale are good options!
Can cucumbers replace other foods in a sugar glider’s diet?
No, cucumbers should not replace more nutrient-dense foods. They should only complement a well-rounded diet.
Are there any vegetables sugar gliders should avoid?
Avoid onions, garlic, and any vegetables that are toxic to sugar gliders.
What should I do if my sugar glider shows signs of digestive issues after eating cucumber?
Stop feeding cucumbers and consult a veterinarian if symptoms persist.
While cucumbers can be a refreshing and hydrating treat for sugar gliders, they should be fed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. The drawback of cucumber is that it’s not as nutrient packed as some other healthy veggies. Because of this, cucumber can be great as an occasional snack, but it shouldn’t take the place of a healthier staple in your glider’s diet.