10 Creative DIY Hamster Toys

Hamsters are known for their curiosity and love of exploration! To keep your furry friend entertained and mentally stimulated, it’s important to provide them with an enriching environment. While there are many commercially available toys for hamsters, creating your own DIY toys can be a fun and budget-friendly way to add variety to your hamster’s playtime!
In this guide, we’ll explore ten creative DIY hamster toy ideas that you can easily make at home.
1. Cardboard Tube Maze
Repurpose cardboard tubes from paper towels or toilet paper rolls to create a maze for your hamster to explore. Cut the tubes into various lengths and connect them with non-toxic glue to form tunnels and chambers. You can add multiple levels by stacking the tubes vertically, horizontally, and at an angle to create an intricate maze. Ensure there are openings throughout the maze for easy entry and exit, and watch as your hamster scampers through its new playground!

2. Hanging Vine
Attach ropes to the top of your hamster’s cage, creating a fun climbing structure. Ensure that these “vines” are securely fastened and free of any small parts that could pose a choking hazard. Try smearing a very thin layer of peanut butter on the rope intermittently and sprinkle some of your hamster’s favorite treats or seeds onto the peanut butter. Your hamster will enjoy the challenge of climbing the rope and licking off the tasty rewards, providing both mental and physical stimulation!
3. DIY Digging Box
Create a digging box for your hamster using a shallow plastic container filled with non-toxic bedding material such as paper based bedding or aspen bedding. Bury small treats or hide toys within the bedding for your hamster to discover as they burrow and dig. This activity mimics their natural instinct to forage and explore, keeping them engaged and entertained for hours!

4. Hanging Hammock
Craft a cozy hammock for your hamster to relax in using soft fabric scraps or fleece. Cut the fabric into a rectangular shape and attach it to the sides of the cage using sturdy clips or hooks. Ensure the hammock is securely fastened and positioned low to the ground to prevent falls. Your hamster will appreciate having a comfortable spot to rest and unwind after a day of play.
5. DIY Treat Dispenser
Repurpose a small plastic bottle or container into a homemade treat dispenser by drilling holes into the sides. Fill the container with your hamster’s favorite treats or dry food, then hang it inside their cage using wire or string. As your hamster pushes and rolls the container, treats will gradually dispense through the holes, providing both mental stimulation and a tasty reward.

6. Frozen Treat Popsicles
Freeze small pieces of vegetables, fruit, or other treats in ice cube trays with water to create refreshing popsicles for your hamster to nibble on!
7. Toilet Paper Roll Hideout
Transform empty toilet paper rolls into cozy hideouts for your hamster by stacking them together and securing them with non-toxic glue. Place the roll hideout inside the cage, leaving openings at both ends for easy access. Your hamster will enjoy exploring and nesting within the tunnels, providing them with a sense of security and comfort.

8. DIY Chew Toys
Create chew toys for your hamster using natural materials such as untreated wood, hay, or seagrass. Cut small pieces of wood or tie bundles of hay together with twine to form safe and stimulating toys for your hamster to gnaw on. Chewing is essential for hamster’s dental health, and providing them with homemade chew toys helps satisfy their natural urge to gnaw while keeping their teeth in good condition.
9. Foraging Ball
Make a foraging ball for your hamster using a small plastic or wooden ball with holes drilled into it. Fill the ball with a mixture of hay, dried herbs, and small treats, then close it securely. Roll the ball around the cage, encouraging your hamster to chase and explore as they work to retrieve the hidden treasures inside. This DIY toy promotes physical activity and mental stimulation while satisfying your hamster’s natural foraging instincts.

10. DIY Swing
Craft a simple swing for your hamster using a thin, flat piece of untreated wood and sturdy string or twine. Drill two small holes on either end of the wood and thread the string through, tying knots to secure it in place. Hang the swing inside the cage, ensuring it’s low enough for your hamster to climb onto easily. Your hamster will enjoy swinging back and forth, providing them with both physical exercise and entertainment.

DIY hamster toys are a fantastic way to provide your furry friend with enriching and stimulating environments while also fostering creativity and bonding between you and your pet! Remember to use safe and non-toxic materials when crafting homemade toys, and always supervise your hamster during playtime to ensure their safety and well-being.
With these ten creative DIY toy ideas, you can enhance your hamster’s habitat and create endless opportunities for fun and excitement!